Supporting Technical Assessments

87 Oct 2021 OceanaGold WNP Project, Waihi - Archaeological / Heritage Assessment (5) OBJECTIVE 5 Sustainable management of the built heritage resource by encouraging and promoting adaptive reuse of the built heritage features resource. (a) Policies Objective 5 will be achieved by the implementation of the following policies: (i) Encourage the continued use or adaptive reuse of scheduled heritage buildings, provided any adverse effects of the activity on the heritage values can be avoided, remedied or mitigated. (ii) Relaxation or waiving of parking requirements or bulk and location rules where this would encourage sustainable reuse and protection of heritage values. ASSESSMENT CRITERIA FOR DISCRETIONARY ACTIVITIES (1) The following criteria will be used to assess any application for a Discretionary Activity: (a) Reasons for inclusion of the Heritage Item, and its significance, in the schedule of Historic Heritage Inventory. (b) The extent to which the heritage values are likely to be retained, protected and/or enhanced. (c) The reasons why the works are necessary and whether there are other means of achieving the same or similar ends with less adverse effects on the Heritage Item. (d) Degree of modification or alteration that will be caused to the Heritage Item, whether the modification is reversible and whether it will have cumulative adverse effects on the Heritage Item. (e) Design, materials and finish of proposed alterations or additions to the Heritage Item. (f) Impact on the cultural landscape or streetscape values from an amenity and heritage perspective. (g) Whether the relevant iwi have been consulted (for any Heritage Item which is significant to them) and whether the consultation supports the application. (h) The extent to which the works may adversely affect cultural and spiritual values. (i) Whether the proposal is consistent with the objectives of any current iwi management plan, current conservation management plan or heritage assessment relating to the Heritage Item, and more particularly the stated conservation policies and strategies they identify for the item. (j) Whether Heritage New Zealand has been consulted and whether the consultation supports the application. (k) Whether the conservation principles contained within the ICOMOS NZ Charter for the Conservation of Places of Cultural Heritage Value are applicable, and where applicable, have they been substantially adhered to.