Supporting Technical Assessments

86 Oct 2021 OceanaGold WNP Project, Waihi - Archaeological / Heritage Assessment consult with and seek advice from recognised local heritage groups on local heritage matters. (vi) Consult with and seek advice from the tangata whenua on all matters relating to identified waahi tapu sites, areas, and other features of significance to them. (vii) Draw to the attention of developers the requirements of the Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga Act 2014, where the Council is of the view a proposed development may involve the destruction, or modification, of any archaeological site. (viii) Where it is appropriate to require them, have regard to cultural values assessments and/or cultural impact assessments, heritage assessments and conservation management plans. (2) OBJECTIVE 2 To protect significant archaeological sites which contribute to the District’s heritage, knowledge and appreciation of the past. (a) Policies Objective 2 will be achieved by the implementation of the following policies: (i) Identification and scheduling of archaeological sites with significant historic, cultural, scientific, heritage or visual amenity value. (ii) Ensure that subdivision, land use and development does not result in inappropriate damage or destruction of scheduled archaeological sites and their surrounds. (iii) Draw the attention of developers and property owners to the requirements of the Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga Act 2014 where a proposed subdivision, land use or development may involve the destruction or modification of any archaeological site. (iv) Include where appropriate accidental discovery protocols, as a condition of resource consent and/or as advice notes with resource consents, advising developers and property owners of their obligations under the Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga Act 2014 with regards to archaeology. (3) OBJECTIVE 3 To recognise and protect sites of significance to Maori. (a) Policies Objective 3 will be achieved by the implementation of the following policies: (i) Identification and protection, in consultation and partnership with local iwi, of sites of significance to Maori. (ii) Avoid a reduction of historical, cultural and spiritual values associated with sites of significance to Maori. (iii) Avoid, remedy or mitigate the adverse effects of subdivision, land use and development on identified Areas of Significance to Maori. (iv) Ensure that local iwi are consulted over the use, development or protection of sites of significance to Maori.