Supporting Technical Assessments

85 Oct 2021 OceanaGold WNP Project, Waihi - Archaeological / Heritage Assessment All other known archaeological sites are shown on the planning maps for information purposes only.’ The Advice Note to this exception states that: ‘(i) The Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga Act 2014 provides for the recording, protection and preservation of archaeological sites whether registered or not. (ii) If any land use activity (such as earthworks, fencing or the erection or removal of structures) is likely to damage, modify or destroy any pre-1900 archaeological site (whether recorded or unrecorded), an ‘authority’ consent from Heritage New Zealand must be obtained for the work to lawfully proceed. This applies to all sites, regardless of whether Building or Resource Consents have been granted or not. Heritage New Zealand should be contacted for further information on this requirement.’ The historic heritage provisions therefore relate to those places on the Schedule of Historic Heritage Inventory, with archaeological sites being managed though the Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga Act 2014. Policy A (iv) does provide for including (where appropriate) accidental discovery protocols, as a condition of resource consent and/or as advice notes with resource consents, advising developers and property owners of their obligations under the Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga Act 2014 with regards to archaeology. Figure 56. Hauraki District Plan Section 6.1 – Historic Heritage 6.1.3 – Objectives and Policies (1) OBJECTIVE 1 To protect a range of heritage items that reflect the past history of the Hauraki District from the adverse environmental effects of other activities. (a) Policies Objective 1 will be achieved by the implementation of the following policies: (i) Identify and afford protection to a representative range of historic heritage items of value to the community and the nation, recognising that it is not sustainable to protect all built heritage in the District and that some items have greater heritage value and deserve a higher level of protection than others. (ii) Minimise the effects of activities, subdivision and development which could damage or destroy the historic heritage values associated with scheduled historic items. (iii) Ensure the heritage and amenity values of the built heritage resource are not adversely affected by a change in context or physical location. (iv) Encourage the design of new buildings and structures and external alterations or additions to building facades to be compatible with the scale, detailing, style, materials and heritage character of the Waihi and Paeroa Town Centre pedestrian frontage areas. Note: The rules and guidelines are set out in section 5.11 Town Centre Zone. (v) Liaise with and seek advice from Heritage New Zealand on heritage planning generally and on all matters relating to sites listed by Heritage New Zealand, and