Supporting Technical Assessments

84 Oct 2021 OceanaGold WNP Project, Waihi - Archaeological / Heritage Assessment Policy 6.1 (on the built environment) states that ‘Subdivision, use and development of the built environment, including transport, occurs in a planned and co-ordinated manner which: a) has regard to the principles in section 6A’ The General development principles in section 6A outline that ‘New development should: j) maintain or enhance landscape values and provide for the protection of historic and cultural heritage; The other policies in the RPS that are of most relevance to heritage and archaeology include: • Policy 10.1 Managing historic and cultural heritage. Provide for the collaborative, consistent and integrated management of historic and cultural heritage resources. Improve understanding, information sharing and cooperative planning to manage or protect heritage resources across the region; • Policy 10.2 Relationship of Māori to taonga. Recognise and provide for the relationship of tāngata whenua and their culture and traditions with their ancestral lands, water, sites, wāhi tapu and other taonga; • Policy 10.3 Effects of development on historic and cultural heritage. Manage subdivision, use and development to give recognition to historic and cultural heritage and to integrate it with development where appropriate; and, • Policy 12.3 Maintain and enhance areas of amenity value. Areas of amenity value are identified, and those values are maintained and enhanced. These may include:... b) … historic areas; This assessment addresses objective 3.18 of the Waikato Regional Policy Statement and the above policies through the archaeological survey and research of the project area, to determine whether significant historic heritage places, or previously unidentified historic heritage, are affected by the proposal. Hauraki District Plan (HDP) Section 6.1 of the HDP on Historic Heritage is relevant to all aspects and locations within the project area. Key objectives, policies and assessment criteria for the proposal are provided in the table below (Figure 56. Hauraki District Plan Section 6.1 – Historic Heritage). There are no controlled or prohibited activities in Section 6.1. The HDP contains a Schedule of Historic Heritage Inventory, which is divided into Category A and B Heritage Features; Category C Heritage Items; and, Category A and B Heritage Areas. There are also identified Areas of Significance of Maori, which are not covered by this report. Under the exceptions ( of the Historic Heritage provisions are archaeological sites (1). This states that (a) ‘There are no rules applying in the District Plan with particular respect to archaeological sites. Where an archaeological site is included in the schedule of Historic Heritage Inventory as an Area of Significance to Maori, the rules in Sections - apply.