Supporting Technical Assessments

80 Oct 2021 OceanaGold WNP Project, Waihi - Archaeological / Heritage Assessment TSF3 The likely adverse effects on historic heritage as a result of TSF3 and recommended mitigation measures are set out in Table 15. Any positive effects on historic heritage are also outlined below, followed by an assessment of the overall effects on historic heritage of TSF3. Table 15. Adverse effects of TSF3 and proposed mitigation Potential Adverse Effect Nature of effects Proposed Specific Mitigation Measures Overall Effects (after mitigation) Direct physical effects on historic heritage items There are no known historic heritage items in the project area Include accidental discovery protocols, as a condition of resource consent, advising OGNZL of their obligations under the Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga Act 2014 with regards to archaeology. Archaeological survey, recording and investigation of any subsurface archaeological features uncovered during earthworks for the development. The feasibility of this would need to be on a case by case basis. Nil – Less Than Minor Effects Effects on archaeological potential arising from land disturbance It is highly unlikely that old underground workings survive in this area, or any other features associated with historical mining activity. There are no known pre-European Maori sites within The TSF3 Include accidental discovery protocols, as a condition of resource consent, advising OGNZL of their obligations under the Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga Act 2014 with regards to archaeology. Archaeological survey, recording and investigation of any subsurface archaeological features uncovered during earthworks for the development. The feasibility of this would Nil – Less Than Minor Effects