Supporting Technical Assessments

79 Oct 2021 OceanaGold WNP Project, Waihi - Archaeological / Heritage Assessment • Development of a harvesting plan to avoid or minimise any effects on the Low Level Water Race (T13/817) during the harvesting of pine trees on Winner Hill; • Archaeological investigation and recording of any archaeological remains affected and uncovered during earthworks for the pit expansion; • New research results should be disseminated to the public and deposited with local archives/ heritage groups (e.g. Waihi heritage society, Ohinemuri website) and organisations (e.g. Martha Mine education centre, Gold Discovery centre/ Waihi Visitor centre and Waihi Gold Mine tours) • The archaeological monitoring report for the GOP will be provided to Heritage New Zealand and Hauraki District Council (Cultural Heritage Inventory); and, • Opportunities for public access and interpretation along the route of the Low Level Water Race T13/817, and at any surviving archaeological remains of historical gold mining features associated with Winner Hill (T13/820); • Incorporate any surviving mining features and heritage interpretation panels as part of the Heritage and Archaeology Management Plan ; • Expand the promotion and funding of ongoing remedial and maintenance work of the remaining significant sites and features associated with the Union Hill mining complex immediately to the west of Gladstone Hill. This work would be guided by the Union Hill (Waihi) Heritage Landscape Management Plan (Macready and Clough Jan 2016). Overall Effects of the Gladstone Open Pit A substantial part of both the Gladstone Hill gold mining complex (T13/821), part of the Winner Hill gold mining complex (T13/820) and part of the Lower Level Water Race (T13/817) will be affected by the proposed GOP. Also, the possibility of additional subsurface remains in relation to past mining activities cannot be ruled out and would also be destroyed by the proposal. However, much of the sites have already been affected by modern gold prospecting and farming and there are only minimal visible remains of this complex. Those areas which are impacted can be effectively mitigated through archaeological recording and investigation, and the dissemination of research results. There are possible opportunities for public access and interpretation along the route of the Low Level Water Race T13/817, and at any surviving archaeological remains of historical gold mining features associated with Winner Hill (T13/820). There will be significant alteration to the existing topography of the site. However, there will be positive outcomes in terms of new information on early mining activities, interpretation, education and outreach. Part of the proposed mitigation is to expand the promotion and funding of ongoing remedial and maintenance work on significant sites and features associated with the Union Hill mining complex within OGNZL’s property immediately to the west of Gladstone Hill. This work would be guided by the Union Hill (Waihi) Heritage Landscape Management Plan (Macready and Clough Jan 2016) promoting improved public access and appreciation of the historic heritage, and opportunities for community involvement, and ensuring future development of the place is compatible with its historic heritage significance. Overall the effects on historic heritage after recommended mitigation are likely to be minor in relation to the proposed GOP.