Supporting Technical Assessments

78 Oct 2021 OceanaGold WNP Project, Waihi - Archaeological / Heritage Assessment affected by the lateral mine expansion. Effects on the setting and views of key historic heritage places or heritage landscapes Currently the identified historic heritage features have little or no surface visibility, other than some sections of the Low Level Water Race T13/817 outside the project area. The proposal will have some adverse effects on the setting of historic heritage due to the loss of Gladstone Hill and Winner Hill, known areas of historic mining. Although this hill is to be partially reinstated, this will not be able to replicate the existing hill exactly and rocky outcrops. Pit closure plan to partially reinstate Gladstone Hill and Winner Hill by using the pit as a tailings disposal facility that will eventually have a dry cap over them. However, the resulting hill with be a materially lower RL with a flat top. Positive effects for Gladstone Open Pit The proposed open pit mining works on Gladstone Hill and Winner Hill are a continuation of mining activities for over 100 years, which are now strongly associated with the historical identity of Waihi. It is still likely that some of the historic underground mine workings may survive in places on both Gladstone Hill and Winner Hill. During works it may be possible to archaeologically investigate and record these remains. Any information gained will aid our understanding of these early mining activities at Gladstone Hill and could be included at on-site heritage interpretation as part of the Heritage and Archaeological Management Plan. New research results can also be used for the people of Waihi or visitors to the area (e.g. Martha Mine education centre, Gold Discovery centre/ Waihi Visitor centre and Waihi Gold Mine tours). General Mitigation of Heritage Effects It is recommended that the following historic heritage mitigation measures are adopted for GOP: • Since the proposal will involve the destruction of archaeological remains an Authority must be applied for under Section 44(a) of the HNZPTA and granted by Heritage NZ prior to the start of any works that could impact on pre-1900 subsurface remains;