Supporting Technical Assessments

77 Oct 2021 OceanaGold WNP Project, Waihi - Archaeological / Heritage Assessment development of the place is compatible with its historic heritage significance. Reported urupa (not recorded) The summit of Gladstone Hill has historically been reported as an urupa (Phillips 2010). However, during the 2000 field survey Phillips did not identify any archaeological features of Maori origin, but concluded that there was potential for such features to survive on unmodified areas on the high points of Union Hill, Winner Hill and Gladstone Hill. Again recent archaeological survey did not identify any archaeological features of Maori origin on Gladstone Hill and within the proposed Gladstone Pit. These areas have clearly been affected by numerous drill hole collar shafts excavated as part of modern gold prospecting, particularly over Gladstone Hill. Any archaeological features of Maori origin are unlikely to have survived. If such features survive, they would be In consultation with tangata whenua