Supporting Technical Assessments

76 Oct 2021 OceanaGold WNP Project, Waihi - Archaeological / Heritage Assessment Low Level Water Race. historical gold mining features associated with Winner Hill (T13/820) Winner Hill (NZAA ref T13/820). Historical gold mining features associated with Winner Hill (T13/820) are recorded as lying predominately outside of the project area, although feature b), an area of spoil near the summit of the hill relating to the entrance of two marked drives; and e), a drive with an exposed entrance and mining debris in the streambed below, appear to be located within the area of the proposed South East Stockpile. The possibility of additional subsurface remains in relation to past mining activities cannot be ruled out and would also be destroyed by the proposal. A general Heritage NZ archaeological Authority will be applied for to cover the entire Gladstone Pit project. Archaeological recording and investigation of all recorded archaeological features associated with T13/820 within the Project area, and any other archaeological remains uncovered during earthworks for the pit expansion and pit infrastructure. Opportunities for public access and interpretation on/near the route of the Low Level Water Race T13/817, and at any surviving archaeological remains of historical gold mining features associated with Winner Hill (T13/820). OGNZL will continue and expand its promotion and funding of the ongoing remedial and maintenance work of the remaining significant sites and features associated with the Union Hill mining complex (within OGNZL’s property/Union Hill (Waihi Battery) Historic Area) immediately to the west of Gladstone Hill. This work would be guided by the Union Hill (Waihi) Heritage Landscape Management Plan (Macready and Clough Jan 2016). It would include removing immediate threats to and developing an appropriate management and maintenance programme for the remains (eg. removal of the pines off the kilns, repair of kiln walls, roof built over the battery), promoting improved public access and appreciation of the historic heritage, developing on-site interpretation, and opportunities for community involvement, and ensuring future Minor Adverse Effects (Permanent, Future)