Supporting Technical Assessments

75 Oct 2021 OceanaGold WNP Project, Waihi - Archaeological / Heritage Assessment affected. However, they are located in close proximity and measures (i.e. fencing) should be put in place to ensure they are protected from inadvertent damage. The possibility of additional subsurface remains in relation to past mining activities cannot be ruled out and would also be destroyed by the proposal. OGNZL’s property/Union Hill (Waihi Battery) Historic Area) immediately adjacent to Gladstone Hill: a) the removal of the large trees (mainly pines) growing on the battery foundation and ore kilns. This remedial work would be guided by the Union Hill (Waihi) Heritage Landscape Management Plan (Macready and Clough Jan 2016) (see Appendix 3); and, b) commission an engineering report to guide future conservation/restoration/stabilisation of significant heritage features, notably the battery, ore kilns and cyanide tanks. This report will form a basis for funding applications to complete other recommended remedial works in the Management Plan. The Low Level Water Race (T13/817) A section of the Low Level Water Race (T13/817) passes through the southwest edge of the proposed mine expansion area (South East Stockpile) and will be destroyed. However, this section of the alignment has already been affected and obscured by farming activities (including a road), so the overall effects on the water race is reduced. Harvesting of mature pine trees on the southern extent of Winner Hill could impact on part of the A general Heritage NZ archaeological Authority will be applied for to cover the entire Gladstone Pit project. Archaeological monitoring will be undertaken to identify, investigate and record all archaeological remains associated with T13/817 that are affected within the Project area, and any other archaeological remains uncovered during earthworks for the pit expansion and pit infrastructure. Development of a harvesting plan as part of the Heritage NZ Authority to avoid or minimise effects to archaeological remains associated with T13/817 during harvesting of pine trees on Winner Hill. Opportunities for public access and interpretation of the route of the Low Level Water Race T13/817 (outside the Project area), and at any surviving archaeological remains of Less Than Minor Adverse Effect (permanent, Future)