Supporting Technical Assessments

74 Oct 2021 OceanaGold WNP Project, Waihi - Archaeological / Heritage Assessment organisations (e.g. Martha Mine education centre, Gold Discovery centre/ Waihi Visitor centre and Waihi Gold Mine tours) • The archaeological monitoring report will be provided to Heritage New Zealand and Hauraki District Council (Cultural Heritage Inventory). Overall effects of the Service Trench Those areas which are impacted can be effectively mitigated through archaeological recording and investigation, and the dissemination of research results. Overall the effects on historic heritage after recommended mitigation are likely to be minor in relation to the proposed Services Trench GOP The likely adverse effects on historic heritage as a result of the GOP and associated infrastructure and recommended mitigation measures are set out in Table 14. Any positive effects on historic heritage are also outlined below, followed by an assessment of the overall effects on historic heritage of the GOP. Table 14. Adverse effects for Gladstone Pit project and proposed mitigation Potential Adverse Effect Nature of effects Proposed Specific Mitigation Measures Overall Effects (after mitigation) The Gladstone gold mining complex (NZAA ref T13/821) Open pit mining will remove the majority of Gladstone Hill and a substantial part of the Gladstone gold mining complex T13/821 - Feature a), an isolated prospecting drive located near the summit with an area of tailings radiating out from the now blocked drive entrance; and Feature b), a fenced off shaft. Much of this site has already been affected by modern gold prospect drilling. The Gladstone Battery and its associated shaft, Feature c) (HAU245 Cat C), are located outside the footprint of the proposed Gladstone pit and should not be A general Heritage NZ archaeological Authority will be applied for to cover the entire Gladstone Pit project. Archaeological recording and investigation of all recorded archaeological features associated with T13/821 within the Project area, and any other archaeological remains uncovered during earthworks for the pit expansion and pit infrastructure. The Gladstone Battery and its associated shaft, Feature c) (HAU245 Cat C), are located in close proximity to the GOP and measures (i.e. fencing) should be put in place to ensure they are protected from inadvertent damage. OGNZL will continue to fund and undertake the following urgent remedial work on significant sites and features associated with the Union Hill mining complex (within Minor Adverse Effect (Permanent, Future)