Supporting Technical Assessments

73 Oct 2021 OceanaGold WNP Project, Waihi - Archaeological / Heritage Assessment Services Trench The likely adverse effects on historic heritage as a result of the Service Trench and recommended mitigation measures are set out in Error! Reference source not found.. Any positive effects on historic heritage are also outlined below, followed by an assessment of the overall effects on historic heritage. Table 9. Adverse effects for the Service Trench and proposed mitigation Potential Adverse Effect Nature of effects Proposed Specific Mitigation Measures Overall Effects (after mitigation) The Low Level Water Race (T13/817) The alternative Service Trench to the Processing Plant will cross and destroy a section of the Lower Level Water Race (T13/817). However, this section of the alignment has already been affected and obscured by farming activities so the overall effects on the water race is reduced. A general Heritage NZ archaeological Authority will be applied for to cover the entire project. Archaeological monitoring will be undertaken to identify, investigate and record all archaeological remains associated with T13/817 that are affected within the Project area, and any other archaeological remains uncovered during earthworks for the pit expansion and pit infrastructure. Less Than Minor Adverse Effect (permanent, Future) Positive effects for Service Trench Any information gained may add to our understanding of the Low Level Water Race. New research results can be used for the people of Waihi or visitors to the area (e.g. Martha Mine education centre, Gold Discovery centre/ Waihi Visitor centre and Waihi Gold Mine tours). General Mitigation of Heritage Effects It is recommended that the following historic heritage mitigation measures are adopted for GOP: • Since the proposal will involve the destruction of archaeological remains an Authority must be applied for under Section 44(a) of the HNZPTA and granted by Heritage NZ prior to the start of any works that could impact on pre-1900 subsurface remains; • Archaeological investigation and recording of any archaeological remains affected and uncovered during earthworks for the services trench; • New research results should be disseminated to the public and deposited with local archives/ heritage groups (e.g. Waihi heritage society, Ohinemuri website) and