Supporting Technical Assessments

72 Oct 2021 OceanaGold WNP Project, Waihi - Archaeological / Heritage Assessment • Since the proposal will involve the destruction of archaeological remains an Authority must be applied for under Section 44(a) of the HNZPTA and granted by Heritage NZ prior to the start of any works that could impact on pre-1900 subsurface remains; • Archaeological investigation and recording of any archaeological remains affected and uncovered during earthworks for the proposed SFA; • Protection measures should be put in place so that additional archaeological remains/features associated with T13/961, 962 and 963 are not inadvertently impacted upon elsewhere. For example, their locations marked on development plans and temporary fencing installed around the sites during construction works; • Should any surface structures or ground disturbing works be proposed at the WUG ore body as part of this project and in close proximity to the site T13/681 Royal Standard Mining Complex, the effects of these activities on this site would need to be assessed; • New research results should be disseminated to the public and deposited with local archives/ heritage groups (e.g. Waihi heritage society, Ohinemuri website) and organisations (e.g. Martha Mine education centre, Gold Discovery centre/ Waihi Visitor centre and Waihi Gold Mine tours); • The archaeological monitoring report for the WUG project will be provided to Heritage New Zealand and Hauraki District Council (Cultural Heritage Inventory); • Look for future opportunities for public access and interpretation at the archaeological remains of historical gold mining features associated with the Royal Standard Mine (T12/681). Overall effects of the WUG The modification of a small section of the Mataura Water Race (T13/961) and High-Level Timber Tramway (T13/963) and the unlikely destruction of other subsurface archaeological remains is a minor adverse effect that will not cause significant, unacceptable adverse impacts on historic heritage if appropriately mitigated through archaeological investigation and recording. The sites are considered to have limited historic heritage value and have been modified so retain only their original alignments visible as a benched track in places. No structural remains associated with these sites are present today. There should be no archaeological constraints in relation to the proposed construction of the ventilation raise and shafts near the Wharekirauponga orebody as no archaeological or other historic heritage sites were identified. The proposed shaft options are also located outside the HDP scheduled Royal Standard Battery HAU271 Category B – Heritage Area, Regional or Sub-Regional Significance. Overall the effects on historic heritage after recommended mitigation are likely to be minor in relation to the proposed WUG.