Supporting Technical Assessments

70 Oct 2021 OceanaGold WNP Project, Waihi - Archaeological / Heritage Assessment ASSESSMENT OF HISTORIC HERITAGE EFFECTS AND MITIGATION The nature and significance of the historic heritage places within the project area have been assessed above. The potential impact of the proposal on the identified places is now considered, particularly in relation to direct physical impacts, as well as setting and context either through their district plan scheduling or using the HNZ criteria or RPS qualities. The proposed WNP is a continuation of mining activities for over 100 years, which are now strongly associated with the historical identity of Waihi. Overall, the adverse effects on archaeological and other historic heritage sites as a result of the WNP are primarily confined to the WUG main infrastructure site and the Gladstone Pit. The likely adverse effects on historic heritage as a result of the each part of the WNP and associated infrastructure and recommended mitigation measures are outlined below followed by an assessment of the overall effects on historic heritage of the WUG Mine project. WUG The likely adverse effects on historic heritage as a result of the WUG Mine and associated infrastructure and recommended mitigation measures are set out in Table 8. Any positive effects on historic heritage are also outlined below, followed by an assessment of the overall effects on historic heritage of the WUG project. Table 8. Adverse effects for WUG Mine and proposed mitigation Potential Adverse Effect Nature of effects Proposed Specific Mitigation Measures Overall Effects (after mitigation) Mataura Water Race T13/961 The proposed development of the main infrastructure site will affect and remove part of the T13/961 Mataura Water Race near its intake in the Mataura Stream. Approximately 500m of the race alignment crosses the proposed infrastructure site but the length of the race actually affected will depend on the overall scale of earthworks required. The Mataura Water Race through the Willows Road property is considered to have limited A general Heritage NZ archaeological Authority will be applied for to cover the WUG SFA site prior to any works that may affect this site. Archaeological recording and investigation of all archaeological features and remains associated with T13/961 within the Project area, and any other archaeological remains uncovered during earthworks. Minor Adverse Effect (Permanent, Future)