Supporting Technical Assessments

67 Oct 2021 OceanaGold WNP Project, Waihi - Archaeological / Heritage Assessment Value Historic Heritage Assessment technology developed quickly in New Zealand gold fields and local innovations occurred rapidly. Technologically the race has value because part of it retains its original alignment, although it is highly modified in places and no longer a working engineering structure. Water races are not uncommon locally. Archaeological Qualities The Race has little information potential to expand upon our knowledge through archaeological methods of early mining activities or Waihi history in addition to what is already known through archival research, and previous recording and archaeological investigations. However, it meets the definition of an archaeological site dating from the early colonial period (pre-1900) and has been recorded as an archaeological site in the NZAA site file. It is a representative example of a site type, feature or activity. It is not a Heritage NZ listed archaeological site, but has been recorded as an archaeological site. Cultural Qualities Given the long mining legacy and celebration of mining history within Waihi today it is possible that the community does have some association with the site. Only part of the race is publicly accessible along a walking track around Winner Hill, while the remainder of the race alignment is within private property. Gladstone Open Pit The Gladstone Battery and Shaft T13/821 has been evaluated according to the relevant statutory criteria and has been scheduled for protection as a Category C Historic Item on the HDP (HAU245) for its technological significance in a local or neighbourhood significance. The remaining associated Gladstone gold mining complex over Gladstone Hill has not been scheduled for protection on the HDP. It is not listed by Heritage NZ in the New Zealand Heritage List/Rārangi Kōrero. The Winner Hill gold mining complex (T13/820) has not been scheduled for protection on the HDP. It is not listed by Heritage NZ in the New Zealand Heritage List/Rārangi Kōrero. An assessment of the archaeological values of T13/820 and T13/821 based on the Heritage NZ criteria (Heritage NZ 2006: 9-10) and the heritage values of the RPS criteria are below. Overall, the Winner Hill gold mining complex T13/820 and the Gladstone gold mining complex T13/821, are considered to have moderate archaeological value based on the criteria discussed. It is likely that archaeological evidence of early mining activity survives in places, but that much of the pre-1900 workings have now been affected by modern gold prospecting. Any possible surviving remains would be of archaeological interest for their ability to provide information on mining techniques in the 19th century. However, it is noted that such techniques are also very well documented historically, so that archaeological investigation would typically confirm this documented history, rather than provide new information.