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65 Oct 2021 OceanaGold WNP Project, Waihi - Archaeological / Heritage Assessment Value Historic Heritage Assessment publicly accessible or visible, which limits its value in terms of being a physical marker/ source of identity. Services Trench The Ohinemuri Lower Level Water Race (T13/817) has not been scheduled for protection on the HDP. It is not listed by Heritage NZ in the New Zealand Heritage List/Rārangi Kōrero. An assessment of the archaeological values of T13/820 and T13/821 based on the Heritage NZ criteria (Heritage NZ 2006: 9-10) and the heritage values of the RPS criteria are below. Overall, the Low Level Water Race has moderate to low archaeological value based on the criteria discussed. It is likely that archaeological evidence survives in places, but that much of the race has been affected by modern gold mining activities, farming and the planting of pines. Any surviving remains would be of archaeological interest for their ability to provide information on the construction methods of the race but these have already been very well documented historically and confirmed through previous recording and archaeological investigation elsewhere along the race under archaeological Authority during mining activities in 2003-2006. Therefore, any further archaeological investigation would typically reconfirm this documented history and research, rather than provide new information. Table 8. Assessment of the archaeological values of the Low Level Water Race T13/817) based on Heritage NZ criteria (Heritage NZ 2006: 9-10) Value Archaeological Assessment Condition Much of the route of the race is in farmland and already modified or affected by modern gold mining, tracking and the planting of pines around Winner Hill. To the north, sections of the race have been destroyed in the past to construct the Processing Plant and a rock stockpile area. Intact sections of the race can be seen as an earth channel in places running southwest around Winner Hill. Rarity Water races are not uncommon in the Waihi area and there are other recorded races locally associated with historic gold mining. The Ohinemuri-Waihi Low Level Water Race is considered to be of local importance. Contextual value Part of a late 19th century historic landscape directly associated with gold mining activities at Waihi, that incorporates other surviving elements in the wider region. The race is associated with the Waihi Gold Mining Co. and the Waihi Battery mining at Union Hill. Information potential The Race has some archaeological value based on information potential where it retains original fabric and the alignment of the Race dates from the early colonial period. The site is unlikely to provide significant further knowledge of New Zealand or Waihi history through archaeological recording and investigation in addition to what is already known from previous archival research,