Supporting Technical Assessments

63 Oct 2021 OceanaGold WNP Project, Waihi - Archaeological / Heritage Assessment site. Given that this aspect of mining is not publicly accessible or visible, this limits the value of the site in terms of being a physical marker/ source of identity. Other The Mataura Water Race has historical, technological values and physical attributes: Historical: The place has historical value due to its association with colonial gold mining within the Waihi gold field. Built in the 1890s, it was constructed to supply water to the Waihi Battery on Union Hill. It reflects representative aspects of local history, and is associated with an early period of European industry and exploitation within the western Bay of Plenty and New Zealand. Technology: Water races are not uncommon locally. Technologically it has value because part of the Race retains its original alignment, although it is highly modified and no longer a working engineering structure. Physical attributes: The site is not a good representative example of an open channel water race as it is highly modified and retains only its alignment in places and none of its original structure and profile. Table 6. Assessment of the historic heritage values of T13/961 Mataura Water Race based on the RPS criteria (Section 10A) Value Historic Heritage Assessment Historic Qualities This site is associated with the wider historical events, people and mining companies that form the rich history of colonial gold mining in Waihi. Built in the 1890s, it was constructed to supply water to the Waihi Battery on Union Hill. It reflects representative aspects of local history, and is associated with an early period of European industry and exploitation within the western Bay of Plenty and New Zealand. Architectural Qualities There are no surviving architectural qualities. Technological/ Scientific Qualities Water races are only part of what were often very complex hydraulic systems. The technology of their design and construction was introduced from the Californian and Australian gold-fields but the technology developed quickly in New Zealand gold fields and local innovations occurred rapidly. Technologically the race has value because part of it retains its original alignment, although it is highly modified and no longer a working engineering structure. Water races are not uncommon locally. Archaeological Qualities The Race has little information potential to expand upon our knowledge through archaeological methods of early mining activities or Waihi history in addition to what is already known because it retains little no original fabric. However, it meets the definition of an archaeological site dating from the early colonial period (pre-1900) and has been recorded as an archaeological site in the NZAA site file. It is a representative example of a site type, feature or activity. It is