Supporting Technical Assessments

62 Oct 2021 OceanaGold WNP Project, Waihi - Archaeological / Heritage Assessment values including historical, architectural, technological, cultural, aesthetic, scientific, social, spiritual, traditional and amenity values. The Hauraki District Plan (2014) (HDP) contains a Schedule of Historic Heritage Inventory, which is divided into Category A and B Heritage Features; Category C Heritage Items; and, Category A and B Heritage Areas in section 6.1. In Appendix 1 of the HDP ( the criteria for assessing heritage significance are grouped under historic, architectural, technological/scientific, archaeological, spiritual/cultural and context. Wharekirauponga Underground Mine (WUG) The Royal Standard Battery site (T12/681) is scheduled on the Hauraki District Plan – Royal Standard Battery, Wharekirauponga HAU271 Category B – Heritage Area, Regional or Sub-Regional Significance (see Figure 8; Appendix 2). Overall, site T13/961 Mataura Water Race within the Willows Road property is considered to have limited archaeological or other historic heritage value based on the criteria discussed. The Race has been significantly modified by levelling and infilling so retains none of its original profile and fabric. Its alignment is all that remains along some sections of the Race as a benched track, while in other areas there is no visible surface evidence. The Mataura Water Race (T13/961) has not been scheduled for protection on the HDP. It is not listed by Heritage NZ in the New Zealand Heritage List/Rārangi Kōrero. An assessment of the archaeological values of T13/961 based on the Heritage NZ criteria (Heritage NZ 2006: 9-10) and the heritage values of the RPS criteria are below. Table 5. Assessment of the archaeological values of site T13/961 Mataura Water Race based on Heritage NZ criteria (Heritage NZ 2006: 9-10) Value Assessment Condition No remains of the original Race profile are present within the subject site (one section of very modified profile may survive), having been significantly modified by levelling and filling. All that remains is its original alignment in places, visible as a levelled or benched track. Rarity Water races are not uncommon in the Waihi area and there are other recorded races locally associated with historic gold mining. Contextual value Part of a late 19th century historic landscape directly associated with gold mining activities at Waihi, that incorporates other surviving elements in the wider region. The race is part of the High-Level Water Race associated with the Waihi Gold Mining Co. and the Waihi Battery mining at Union Hill. Information potential The Race has little archaeological value based on information potential because it retains no original fabric, although the alignment of part of the Race dates from the early colonial period. The site is unlikely to provide any further knowledge of New Zealand or Waihi history through archaeological recording and investigation in addition to what is already known. Amenity value The water race is located on private land inaccessible to the public. Cultural associations The Mataura Water Race is a European archaeological site. Given the long mining legacy and celebration of mining history within Waihi today it is possible that the community does have some association with the