52 Boffa Miskell Ltd | Waihi North Project | Terrestrial Ecology Values and Effects of the WUG | 22 June 2022 Modelled noise contours that extend into Coromandel Forest Park (45 dB LAeq (15 min) during the day and 35 dB LAeq (15 min) at night) are comparable to measured ambient noise levels (46 dB LAeq (15 min) during the day and 30 dB LAeq (15 min) at night)27. Any potential effects on fauna are most likely frequency28 and amplitude29 dependent, and species specific30. The predicted noise levels of 40 – 45 dB LAeq (15 min) are consistent with moderate rainfall levels (i.e. ~50 dBL). At the predicted levels, the noise profile would likely dissipate rapidly across the environmental landscape (i.e. the primary impact area would be very localised) (Figure 9). Birds are the fauna group most likely to be present within Willows Road farm and the south eastern boundary of CFP (where vegetation communities are expected to be compromised by edge effects, and thus, less suitable for native forest species). As described in Section 6.2.6, birds may display a range of behaviours in response to elevated noise which may alter over time (i.e. habituating to noise, aversion, or altering their calls). Given the small the zone of influence for increased noise within an extensive high-quality habitat area within CFP, and the small expected change in ambient noise we consider that the magnitude of effect of noise is Negligible. The ecological value of fauna within the noise affected area on Willows Road Farm is Low. Therefore, the level of effect of construction noise is assessed as Very Low. 27 Although note that the decibel scale is logarithmic, not linear. 28 The frequency of a sound wave is perceived as its pitch or tone. 29 Amplitude is the height of the sound wave from peak to valley. Amplitude determines the loudness or intensity of the sound. 30 Factors that may impact an animals’ response to noise include the threat-response characteristics of the species (e.g. ‘freeze’ behaviour), previous exposure of the individual, life cycle stage and habitat features (Harbrow et. al. 2011). Effects management The project design includes recommended mitigation of noise barriers (bunds) and installing the external ventilation fan in an insulated shipping container to reduce overall noise levels.