Supporting Technical Assessments

60 Oct 2021 OceanaGold WNP Project, Waihi - Archaeological / Heritage Assessment Near this same area a magazine and a ‘dam-like’ feature possibly associated with T09/819 are recorded in close proximity to the southern extent of the proposed service trench alignment. The features could not be relocated during recent survey. The dam having been destroyed by the previous expansion of the Processing Plant and the magazine by road/farm track construction. A small section of Low Level Water Race (T13/817) will be affected and removed by the proposed alternative eastern service trench to the Processing Plant. However, this section, like much the water race section, has been modified and is not readily recognisable. Gladstone Open Pit (GOP), WUG Portal and Processing Plant areas The Gladstone Open Pit will affect and remove part of the Winner Hill gold mining complex and pre-1900 historic workings (T13/820) and a substantial part of the Gladstone Hill gold mining complex and pre-1900 historic workings (T13/821). This includes surface mining features, drives and shafts and sub-surface mine workings. The Gladstone Battery and its associated shaft, which is a scheduled Category C Heritage Item in the HDP (HAU245) will be avoided. Much of these two site have already been affected by modern gold prospecting from the 1970s to 1999. Other, so far unidentified, subsurface remains relating to mining activities are likely to be present and may be exposed as part of the proposed GOP. A small section of Low Level Water Race (T13/817) will also be affected and removed by the proposed southern stock pile associated with the Gladstone Pit. However, this section, like much the water race section, has been infilled and is not readily recognisable. Other remaining sections of the race around the southern edge of Winner Hill are in better condition and used as part of a walking track. Mature pine trees growing on the southern extent of Winner Hill require removal. This is necessary given the age of the trees irrespective of the proposed mining activity. Harvesting operations could impact on the Low Level Water Race but a harvesting plan developed as part of a Heritage NZ Authority application will be developed to avoid or minimise any effects. To the north of the Processing Plant the WUG Portal and the polishing pond stockpile may impact on a ‘dam-like’ feature possibly associated with the Silverton Gold Mining Complex T13/819. No archaeological features of Maori origin have been identified on Gladstone Hill or Winner Hill, and within the proposed Gladstone Pit. It is considered unlikely that any such features would have survived within the project area as a result of modern mining and farming activities. TSF3 The proposed TSF3 will have no direct physical impact on any known archaeological or historic heritage items. It is highly unlikely that old underground workings exist in this area, or any other features associated with historical mining activity. There are no known pre-European Maori sites within the TSF3.