Supporting Technical Assessments

59 Oct 2021 OceanaGold WNP Project, Waihi - Archaeological / Heritage Assessment SUMMARY OF RESULTS Wharekirauponga Undergound Mine (WUG) The proposed SFA of the WUG mine will remove a section of the Mataura or Waihi Gold Mining Co. Water Race, which is a recorded archaeological site T13/961. The water race through the Willows property has been highly modified by levelling and infilling so all that remains is its original alignment in places, visible as a levelled or benched track. The one small remnant section of the race that retained a highly modified profile or outer bank near the intake of the race at the time of the inspection (c.10m long) appears to be outside the proposed infrastructure footprint and should be avoided. In the vicinity of the main infrastructure site at the end of Willows Road the Willows (Waihi Co.) Timber Tramway ran along the eastern (opposite) side of the Mataura Stream. The Willows Timber Tramway is a recorded archaeological site T13/962, believed to have been constructed c. 1901. Several sections of benching around the hillside are likely to be the only remains of the tramway alignment. No structural remains such as rails or sleepers are present today. Based on the plans provided this site will not be affected by the proposed activity. The proposed rock stack at the main infrastructure site will also remove a section of the High-Level Walmsley Timber Tramway T13/963 located above and south and west of the tunnel portal. This tramway has been recorded as T13/963 in the NZAA site record file, although it was constructed in the early 20th century. Several sections of benching around the hillside are the only remains of this tramway alignment, which have been incorporated into a farm track. No structural remains such as rails or sleepers are present today. No other archaeological or historic heritage features were identified at the proposed locations of the ventilation raise and shafts near the WUG ore body. The ventilation shafts near the orebody are located to the south of the known heritage features associated with T12/681 but will not affect these areas. A number of surface drilling rigs and a camp have previously been erected at the WUG orebody around and in close proximity to T12/681. According to plans and advice by Oceana Gold these structures were positioned away from known heritage features. This area has not been inspected in detail by the author. No further surface works are planned in this area as part of the Project. Services Trench The northern extent of the proposed services trench alignment follows Willows Road from the WUG main infrastructure site to SH25. Previously the Willows Timber Tramway (T13/962) followed much of what is now Willows Road, however, there is no visible evidence of the tramline in this area, having been removed and modified by road construction. To the north of the Processing Plant the alignment of the services trench crosses an area of slumping on a slope, which corresponds with the line of a small drive Feature b) associated with the Silverton Gold Mining Complex T13/819 on Silverton Hill, and a drive associated with the Favona Mine T13/306). The service trench is unlikely to be of a scale or depth to have any impact on these subsurface features.