Supporting Technical Assessments

51 Oct 2021 OceanaGold WNP Project, Waihi - Archaeological / Heritage Assessment Figure 47. TSF3 topsoil stripping and stockpiling (source: Oceana Gold Mar 2020) Recorded Historic Heritage No previously recorded archaeological or other historic heritage sites are located within the proposed footprint of TSF3. However, no previous archaeological survey had been carried out across this area. An archaeological survey of the proposed area of TSF3 was undertaken in June 2020. The majority of the proposed footprint is currently dairy farm land located between the eastern side of the TSF1A embankment and Trig Road. The majority of this land is flat, low lying pasture, which rises in a number of small knolls and rolling hills, then steeply to a main ridgeline in the north. A series of farm races and drains cross the low flats in the south (Figure 48 - Figure 51). The northern most area of disturbance is located within the existing mapped Significant Natural Area (SNA). No archaeological or other historic heritage sites were identified during the survey. Archaeological field survey undertaken of TSF1A, located immediately west of TSF3, by Jill Pierce in 1984 (Pierce 1984) identified a number of individual features, grouped into 11 sites. However, subsequent investigations by New Zealand Historic Places Trust (now Heritage New Zealand) in 1986 determined that the majority of these features were not archaeological in origin and were areas of natural slumping (McFadgen 1987, referenced in Barr 1997). This latter conclusion was supported by Cathryn Barr, who surveyed the southern extension part of the area in 1997 and identified no archaeological sites (Barr 1997). These findings are consistent with the topography and lack of any archaeological evidence found within TSF3 immediately adjacent.