Supporting Technical Assessments

Boffa Miskell Ltd | Waihi North Project | Terrestrial Ecology Values and Effects of the WUG | 22 June 2022 51 6.3.3 Fauna Effects Associated with Construction Noise Construction noise generating components of the WUG on Willows Road Farm include earthworks and general construction and roadworks for site establishment; construction of the initial tunnel drive including blasting for portal formation; construction and operation of a vent raise; and operation of a temporary external ventilation fan. Calculated noise levels at different stages of the project are detailed in the Assessment of Noise Effects (Marshall Day 2021). Near to the works area25, calculated noise level during construction ranged from 40 – 50 dB LAeq (15 min) during the day and from 33 – 38 dB LAeq (15 min) for night works. Mapped noise contours indicate that daytime noise levels of up to 45 dB LAeq (15 min) may extend into the south eastern edge of Coromandel Forest Park in some modelled scenarios, this compares to measured ambient noise of 46 dB LAeq (15 min) in Coromandel Forest Park26. As such, construction noise will be approximately ambient for species occupying habitat within the south eastern edge of Coromandel Forest Park. Modelled night operations are not expected to exceed 35 dB LAeq (15 min) at night, compared to measured ambient noise of 30 dB LAeq (15 min) in Coromandel Forest Park. Construction noise will be greatest during site establishment and initial tunnel drive phases (approximately 1 year) but will reduce once the tunnel is established and the work moves underground. The modelled noise levels described above include the recommended mitigation of noise barriers (bunds) and installing the external ventilation fan in an insulated shipping container to achieve acceptable noise levels. Modelled noise contours within Willows Road Farm show that noise effects largely avoid the areas with the highest ecological values on the site (i.e. the native bush fragments in the north west and north east of the property). Vegetation within the Project Area that will be exposed to higher noise levels includes narrow riparian margins with Low ecological value for fauna habitat (Section 5.0). 25 i.e. Receivers R33, R34 and R35 in Figure 19 of the Noise Assessment 26 Ambient noise levels in the existing environment were recorded continuously between 16 and 30 July 2020. Further details provided in Marshall Day (2021). Maximum ambient noise levels (LAmax) of 72 dB (day) and 69 dB(night) were recorded in Coromandel Forest Park during the noise survey period. These noise levels were attributed to natural sources such as wind or birds. Effects management Effects management for vegetation loss / potential habitat clearance associated with construction includes: • Vegetation clearance protocols that will include surveys to ensure there are no active bird nests, bat roosts and lizards present within the clearance area. These protocols are described in Section 7.2 and will be described in site-specific management plans. • Revegetation and fencing riparian areas is described in the Freshwater and Wetland Ecological Assessment (BML 2022a). • Revegetation and remediation of the rock stack area once the rock has been reused / removed at or before mine closure.