Supporting Technical Assessments

48 Oct 2021 OceanaGold WNP Project, Waihi - Archaeological / Heritage Assessment The Silverton Hill gold mining complex (discussed previously) is an area of goldmining remains centred on Silverton Hill south of Barry Road – Golden Valley Road. To the east of the main Silverton mining complex a ‘dam-like’ feature is recorded that may be associated with the Silverton mining complex (see Figure 38). The construction of the WUG Portal and the polishing pond stockpile may impact on this feature if it was not already removed as part of the previous expansion of the processing plant in 2006. Figure 43. Gladstone Battery and gold mining complex (T13/821; HAU245 Cat C) and Historic Tramway (T13/818; HAU264 Cat C) recorded in the Hauraki District Plan (source: detail from HDP 2014 Map K4) Figure 44. The approximate location of the Gladstone Battery and shaft, and area of disturbed tailings (Feature C) in relation to the proposed Gladstone Pit