Supporting Technical Assessments

38 Oct 2021 OceanaGold WNP Project, Waihi - Archaeological / Heritage Assessment but crosses a recorded subsurface drive. The service trench is unlikely to be of a scale or depth to have any impact on this subsurface feature. T13/819 Silverton Hill Goldmining Complex and Battery The Silverton Hill gold mining complex is an area of goldmining remains centred on Silverton Hill south of Barry Road – Golden Valley Road. To the east of the main Silverton mining complex and north of the Processing Plant the alignment of the services trench crosses an area of slumping on a slope, which corresponds with the line of a small drive Feature b) recorded by Phillips in 2000. The service trench is unlikely to be of a scale or depth to have any impact on this subsurface feature. However, a magazine and a ‘dam-like’ feature were also recorded by Phillips (2000) in this area. The foundations of the magazine, of unknown date, on a large artificial mound and cut into the scarp appears to have been made of brick and measures approximately 12 x 17m. The ‘dam-like’ feature was described as 9 x 6m on the eastern slopes of Silverton Hill, but it was unconfirmed whether this was a recent farming feature or a mine related one. The previously recorded dam could not be relocated during the recent survey and its location is within the stockpile area of the current mine and was likely destroyed during the previous expansion. The mine drives previously recorded on the route of the trench showed no evidence on the surface and are likely too deep to be affected by the proposed works. The recorded location of the magazine was on the farm track (Moore Road). No evidence of the artificial mound was observed in the area nor the brick magazine base (see Figure 38). Other 20th century farming features A pile of brick rubble was encountered to the north of the proposed route south east of the house at 779 Golden Valley Road (Figure 39). The rubble was spread over 5 x 3m and was pale yellow to pale red well-formed brick with white inclusions, even fired, and wire cut. Some appeared to be finished with plaster. It is unclear what the rubble was from as there was no other evidence of structural remains in the area but a potential source is a demolished chimney from a nearby building that was moved. The age of the bricks is unclear. A 10 x10 m pit with 2 m raised rim was encountered north of Golden Valley Road. This is likely associated with farming activity (Figure 39). A concrete race was identified running from a small pond eastward towards Ohinemuri River (Figure 40). This was rough concrete with angular well sorted stone inclusions, 400 mm wide, 250 mm deep, 11 m long, although much of the race was broken. It ran into a pit and culvert beneath a concrete bridge. This is most likely associated with farming activity.