Supporting Technical Assessments

36 Oct 2021 OceanaGold WNP Project, Waihi - Archaeological / Heritage Assessment a detailed summary of the history of mining in this area and previous archaeological investigations within the project area and nearby (Brown et al. 2018). Table 2. Archaeological and other historic heritage sites recorded within the vicinity of the proposed Service Trench. NZAA Site No. District Plan ref HNZ List ref Site Type Location NZTM Easting NZTM Northing T13/962 Willows Timber Tramway Willows Road 1853539 5862419 T13/817 Waihi Low Level Water Race Ohinemuri River to Union Battery; Winner Hill 1853816 5858685 T13/818 264 Cat C Tramway Silverton Hill to Clarke Street; Union Hill 1853595 5857759 T13/819 Silverton Hill gold mining complex and Battery Silverton Hill 1853308 5858302 T13/306 Favona Old and New Shaft Golden Valley Road 1853523 5858766 Willows Timber Tramway (part of the Waihi Gold Mining Co. Timber Tramway) (T13/962) As previously discussed, the alignment of the Willows Timber Tramway (T13/962) essentially followed what is now Willows Road (Figure 30). However, there is no visible evidence of this tramline in this area, having been removed and modified by road construction. Therefore, there should be no impact to this site by the services trench along Willows Road. South of SH25 the proposed services trench crosses an arrow shaped block of land ending at Mataura Road described as the ‘Rifle Range’. This is shown on early survey plans and was gazetted for this purpose in 1901. Ohinemuri - Waihi Low Level Water Race (T13/817) The Ohinemuri-Waihi Low Level Water Race was designed to feed water from the Ohinemuri River to the Martha Mine Union Battery and was constructed in 1889-1890. Its original dimensions are described as 3ft. 6in on the bottom, 9ft across the top and 2ft. 9in in depth and was 3.854km long (AJHR 1889). The race operated until 1913, when processing operations for the Martha Mine switched to the Victoria Battery site at Waikino. A detailed history of the race and its significance are provided in Hooker 2003. The Ohinemuri-Waihi Low Level Water Race is considered to be of local importance.