Supporting Technical Assessments

35 Oct 2021 OceanaGold WNP Project, Waihi - Archaeological / Heritage Assessment SERVICE TRENCH The Proposal Services such as high voltage (HV) power, communications, treated water return, alternate portable water supply and an irrigation/raw water pipeline will be established through a common trench or utility corridor to be installed between the Processing Plant and the WUG SFA at Willows Road Farm. The route of the services trench corridor follows Willows Road to SH25, west of SH25 to west of Ohinemuri Bridge then overland to the Processing Plant (Figure 37). The trench will be 1.5-2.4 m wide and 1.5m deep and excavated by machine and then backfilled. Figure 37. Proposed route of the Service Trench (red) from the Willows Farm SFA to the Processing Plant Recorded Historic Heritage There are five recorded archaeological sites within close proximity to the proposed services trench alignment. Most sites are located at its southern extent north of the Processing Plant and are associated with historic goldmining. An archaeological survey of this southern area was carried out in 2000 as part of a field survey of Silverton Hill, Winner Hill and Gladstone Hill (Phillips 2000). Table 2 summarises these recorded historic heritage sites and Figure 38 shows the location of these sites. As a result of this assessment an archaeological survey of the proposed alignment of the services trench was carried out on 22nd October 2021. The accompanying report Oceana Gold Project Martha, Waihi: Part 1 Historical and Archaeological Background provides