Supporting Technical Assessments

WAI-985-000-LC-0007 Figures Figure 1: Location and layout of the WNP. .....................................................4 Figure 2: Willows Road Farm surface infrastructure.......................................7 Figure 3: Indicative shaft locations in Coromandel Forest Park. ....................9 Figure 4: Revegetation plantings around Waihi town. ..................................10 Figure 5: Baseline ecological survey study area, a 2 km2 area within the Wharekirauponga catchment. This figure indicates broad-scale vegetation mapping and RECCE survey locations (top); and fauna monitoring locations (bottom). ...........15 Figure 6: Riparian vegetation within the footprint of the proposed Willows Rock Stack at Willows Road Farm, Waihi. Downstream view (left), upstream view (right). ...........................24 Figure 7: Vegetation assessment areas at Willows Road Farm. ..................25 Figure 8: Potential vent raise sites surveyed in Wharekirauponga...............27 Figure 9: Lizard and frog records in Wharekirauponga catchment...............32 Figure 10: Noise and air quality contours at Willows Road Farm. ................53 Figure 12: Noise and air quality in Coromandel Forest Park. .......................62 Figure 12: Wharekirauponga vibration contours. ..........................................68 Figure 13: Integrated Mitigation Package for the Willows Road Farm site. ..............................................................................................77 Figure 15: Offset planting areas....................................................................82 Figure 16: Wharekirauponga Pest Management Area. ................................85