Supporting Technical Assessments

22 Oct 2021 OceanaGold WNP Project, Waihi - Archaeological / Heritage Assessment alignment there is no surviving evidence of the tramway in these areas. The proposed main infrastructure site and private road off Willows Road will be located on the western and opposite side of the Mataura Stream from the tramway alignment at the end of Willows Road (see Figure 30). The remains of another bush tramway alignment, part of the High-Level Walmsley Timber Tramway, were identified during the field survey above and west of the proposed portal and main infrastructure site. Like the Willows Timber Tramway all that remains of this tramway is a gently graded levelled bench cut in the slope of the hillside, and in places it has been widened to form a farm track. No associated structural remains such as rails or sleepers are present today (Figure 28 and Figure 29). Based on plans of the main infrastructure site the end of one of the branches of this tramway may be affected by the proposed rock stack, which will fill in the valley to the west of the main infrastructure site (see Figure 30). Figure 17. Looking southeast from above the proposed tunnel portal (arrowed) across the main infrastructure site in the valley below