Supporting Technical Assessments

Boffa Miskell Ltd | Waihi North Project | Terrestrial Ecology Values and Effects of the WUG | 22 June 2022 45 distributional limit for Archey’s frogs and Pittosporum virgatum in the Coromandel Peninsula. The Project Area within CFP is part of a largely intact forested corridor within the lower Coromandel Peninsula that supports a diverse range of flora and fauna in all life stages, despite the presence of plant and animal pests. 5.8 Summary of Ecological Values In this section we summarise each of the WUG elements based on our assessment applying the EIANZ criteria, and our assessment of significance for indigenous biodiversity (based on RPS significance criteria). The overall assessment for each habitat or ecological attribute is summarised in Table 12. Overall, the ecological values of the Willows Road Farm are low with negligible vegetation values and low fauna values. In contrast the ecological values of the CFP range from Very Low to Very High for individual attributes, but overall ecological values are Very High. Table 12: Summary of ecological values and significance for indigenous biodiversity at locations of the WUG. Ecological values within Willows Road Farm are assessed only within the Project Area (i.e. area where vegetation / potential habitat will be cleared). Feature Ecological value Biodiversity Significance Report section Vegetation within the Project Area at Willows Road Farm Low N Section 5.1 Fauna populations within the Project Area at Willows Road Farm Low N Sections 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6 Vegetation in CFP Very High Y Section 5.1 Invertebrate Populations and Habitats in CFP High Y Section 5.2 Frog Populations and Habitats in CFP High Y Section 5.3 Lizard Populations and Habitats in CFP High Y Section 5.4 Bat Populations and Habitats in CFP Very Low N Section 5.5 Bird Communities and Habitats in CFP High Y Section 5.6