Supporting Technical Assessments

3 Oct 2021 OceanaGold Waihi North Project – Archaeological / Heritage Assessment Maori Cultural Values • This is an assessment of effects on archaeological values and does not include an assessment of effects on Maori cultural values. Such assessments should only be made by the tangata whenua. Maori cultural concerns may encompass a wider range of values than those associated with archaeological sites. • The historical association of the general area with the tangata whenua is evident from the recorded sites, traditional histories and known Maori place names. • Maori cultural values interests and associations with the project area, and the potential impacts of the Waihi North Project on these, will be identified through iwi led Cultural Impact Assessments. Summary of Historic Heritage Requirements under the RMA: • The assessment has determined that the Waihi North Project will not affect any scheduled item in the HDP. Any consent granted should include accidental discovery protocols, as a condition of resource consent, advising OGNZL of their obligations under the Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga Act 2014 with regards to archaeology. Summary of Historic Heritage Requirements under the HNZPTA: • The Waihi North Project will affect a number of recorded archaeological sites and therefore Authority must be obtained from Heritage NZ before any work can be carried out that may affect these sites. Other, so far unidentified, subsurface or near surface features relating to mining activities and the early history of Waihi township could also be exposed, therefore, all works undertaken for this project should be included in the Authority application. The conditions of the Authority are likely to include the archaeological recording/investigation of any remains affected.