Appendix 133: Service Trench Ecological Survey Boffa Miskell Ltd | Waihi North Project: Freshwater Ecological Assessment | [Subject] Site 5: The route intersects a tributary stream that follows the alignment of a barberry hedge with a ground cover of Montbretia overhanging the channel. Bank of around 500 mm tall. Fig 5 a-d: Site 5 of service trench route inspection. Site 6: The route intersects an overland flow path within an area of low relief approximately 50 m north of Golden Valley Rd. A fairly intact sward of grazed pasture forms the dominant ground cover, containing an even mix of Yorkshire fog and perennial ryegrass, with creeping buttercup, dock, meadow grass, paspalum, creeping bent and water pepper in patches through the lowest-lying parts of the feature.