Appendix 133: Service Trench Ecological Survey Boffa Miskell Ltd | Waihi North Project: Freshwater Ecological Assessment | [Subject] Site 2: The route traverses an overland flow path. Vegetation is closely grazed pasture comprising creeping bent (~90%), interspersed with small proportions of water pepper and buttercup. Soil was moist to wet, and heavily pugged by cattle. Ground beneath a large willow was firmer and drier, though generally denuded of ground cover. Fig 2 a-f: Site 2 of service trench route inspection. Site 3: An area of shallow standing water is present in what appears to be an old excavation within an area of low relief. A group of mixed exotic trees is present on a relict mound of earth within the excavated pond. A closely cropped and heavily pugged pasture of creeping bent forms the main ground cover around the pond and throughout the low-lying topography. Patches of water pepper are interspersed through the standing water and around the margins of the pond. Water was brown and muddy. No water source or flow was observed, but an indent at one end of the pond feature allows water to drain to the nearby stream.