Supporting Technical Assessments

Appendix 12: NOF Environmental Limits for Attributes for Freshwater Boffa Miskell Ltd | Waihi North Project: Freshwater Ecological Assessment | [Subject] Table 12-5: Environmental limits for dissolved oxygen for ecosystem health values in freshwater in New Zealand (from NPS-FM 2020). Table 14 – Macroinvertebrates (1 of 2) Value (and component) Ecosystem health (Aquatic life) Freshwater body type Wadeable rivers Attribute unit Macroinvertebrate Community Index (MCI) score; Quantitative Macroinvertebrate Community Index (QMCI) score Attribute band and description Numeric attribute states QMCI MCI A Macroinvertebrate community, indicative of pristine conditions with almost no organic pollution or nutrient enrichment. ≥6.5 ≥130 B Macroinvertebrate community indicative of mild organic pollution or nutrient enrichment. Largely composed of taxa sensitive to organic pollution/nutrient enrichment. ≥5.5 and <6.5 ≥110 and <130 C Macroinvertebrate community indicative of moderate organic pollution or nutrient enrichment. There is a mix of taxa sensitive and insensitive to organic pollution/nutrient enrichment. ≥4.5 and <5.5 ≥90 and <110 National bottom line 4.5 90 D Macroinvertebrate community indicative of severe organic pollution or nutrient enrichment. Communities are largely composed of taxa insensitive to inorganic pollution/nutrient enrichment. <4.5 <90