Supporting Technical Assessments

Boffa Miskell Ltd | Waihi North Project: Freshwater Ecological Assessment | [Company] TSF3 Area Impact Sites – Potential Values (average of three SEV sites) TSF3 Area Mitigation Sites – Potential Value (Site SEV_Trig Road) Northern Rock Stack Area Impact Site – Potential Value Mitigation Site – Potential Value Vchann Assume natural channel Assume reduction in macrophyte growth Assume reduction in macrophyte growth. Vlining Assume mostly natural, with some loading of fine sediment No change No change Vpipe No Change No Change No change Vbank Assume some channel incision as average of sites. No change No change Vrough Assume regenerating native bush to 20 m either side. Assume regenerating native bush to 20 m either side. Assume regenerating native bush to 20 m either side. Vbarr Assume no barriers Assume no barriers Assume no barriers Vchanshape Autopopulated Autopopulated Assume no barriers Vshade Assume canopy species 71-90 % shade Assume canopy species 71-90 % shade Assume canopy species 71-90 % shade Vdod Assume optimal Assume improvement to sub-optimal No change Vveloc Assume average values Assume slight increase in velocity Assume slight increase with reduction of macrophytes Vdepth Used median score No Change No Change Vripar Assume 20 m riparian Assume 20 m riparian Assume 20 m riparian Vdecid Assume no deciduous Assume no deciduous Assume no deciduous Vmacro Assume almost no macrophyte due to shading Assume almost no macrophyte due to shading Assume almost no macrophyte due to shading Vretain Autopopulated Autopopulated Autopopulated Vsurf Used median score, then assumed best practise and reduction in silt/sand. Assume reduction in macrophytes, slight increase in woody debris present. Assume reduction in macrophytes, slight increase in woody debris present. Vripfilt Assume moderate. Assume moderate. Assume moderate. Vgalspwn No change, assume poor owing to the channel shape No change, assume poor owing to the channel shape Assume improvement due to shading in some areas Vgalqual No change, assume poor owing to the channel shape No change, assume poor owing to the channel shape Assume improvement to low Vgobspawn Autopopulated Autopopulated Autopopulated Vphyshab Improved to habitat diversity, reduction in habitat abundance and improvements in channel shade and vegetation integrity Assume some improvement in all attributes. Assume some improvement in all attributes. Vwaterqual Slight improvement Assume slight increase in shade in upper reaches owing to restoration Assume slight increase in shade in upper reaches owing to restoration Vimperv No Change No Change Assume no change Vfish No change – excluded from model No change – excluded from model No change – excluded from model Vmci No change – excluded from model No change – excluded from model No change – excluded from model Vept No change – excluded from model No change – excluded from model No change – excluded from model