Supporting Technical Assessments

Boffa Miskell Ltd | Waihi North Project: Freshwater Ecological Assessment | TSF3 RUA_Lower RUA_Upper RUA_Forest RUA_Trig Road RUA_Revegetated Vchann Assume small reduction in excessive macrophyte growth No change. No Change Reduction in macrophytes Reduction in macrophytes Vlining No change Slight increase in sediment No change No change No change Vpipe No Change No change No change No change No change Vbank No Change . Reduction in channel incision No change No Change No change Vrough Assume regenerating native bush to 20 m on one side. Assume regenerating native bush to 10 m either side. Assume regenerating native bush to 20 m either side. Assume regenerating native bush to 20 m either side. Increase plating to 20m on one side. Vbarr Assume no barriers Assume no barriers Assume no barriers Assume no barriers Assume no barriers Vchanshape Autopopulated Autopopulated Autopopulated Autopopulated Autopopulated Vshade Assume canopy species 71-90 % shade Assume canopy species 71-90 % shade Assume mixture of 7190% and 5170% Assume canopy species 71-90 % shade Assume small increase to 31-50% shading Vdod No change No change No change Improvement to optimal No change Vveloc No change Assume slight increase in velocity Assume slight increase Slight increase owing to reduction in macrophyte No change Vdepth Used median score No Change No Change No Change No Change Vripar Assume 20 m riparian on one side Assume 10 m riparian Assume 20 m riparian Assume 20m riparian both sides Assume 20 m riparian on one side Vdecid Assume no deciduous Assume no deciduous Assume no deciduous Assume no deciduous Assume no deciduous Vmacro Assume decrease in macrophyte present No change No change Assume decrease in macrophyte present No change Vretain Autopopulated Autopopulated Autopopulated Autopopulated Autopopulated Vsurf Assume decrease in macrophytes Assume reduction in bedrock, increase in silt sand, increase in wood, increase in leaf litter. No change Assume decrease in macrophytes No change Vripfilt Assume increase to moderate filtering Assume increase to moderate filtering No change Assume increase to moderate filtering Assume increase to moderate filtering activity for 50%. Vgalspwn No change No change No change No change No change Vgalqual No change No change No change No change No change Vgobspawn Autopopulated Autopopulated Autopopulated Autopopulated Autopopulated Vphyshab Increase to riparian vegetation integrity Increase to channel shade and riparian vegetarian integrity Increase to channel shade and riparian vegetarian integrity Decrease in aquatic habitat abundance, decrease in hydrological heterogeneity, increase in Increase to channel shade