Supporting Technical Assessments

Boffa Miskell Ltd | Waihi North Project: Freshwater Ecological Assessment | [Company] Table 8-1. Predicted SEV scores used within the mitigation calculations. Gladstone Northern Rock Stack Gladstone_Tributary TB1_Lower TB1_Upper Vchann No change Reduction in macrophytes, increase in no modification NO change Vlining No change No change No change Vpipe No change No change No change Vbank No change No change No change Vrough No change Regenerating to 10m either side Regenerating to 20m either side Vbarr No change No change No change Vchanshape Autopopulated Autopopulated Autopopulated Vshade Increase in shade to 71-90% Increase in shade to 71-90% Increase in shade to 71-90% Vdod No change No change No change Vveloc No change Slight increase in velocity due to reduction in macrophytes No change Vdepth No change No change No change Vripar Increase to 20m Riparian to 10m either side Riparian to 20m either side Vdecid No deciduous No deciduous No deciduous Vmacro No change Decrease in macrophytes No change Vretain Autopopulated Autopopulated Autopopulated Vsurf No change Reduction in macrophytes No change Vripfilt Increase to moderate Increase to moderate Increase to moderate Vgalspwn No change No change No change Vgalqual No change Increase No change Vgobspawn Autopopulated Autopopulated Autopopulated Vphyshab Increase in channel shade and riparian integrity Small increase in habitat diversity, abundance and hydrological heterogeneity. Increase in shade and riparian vegetation integrity. Increase in riparian vegetation integrity Vwaterqual No change Increase No change Vimperv Small increase to <10% No change No change Vfish No change – excluded from model No change – excluded from model No change – excluded from model Vmci No change – excluded from model No change – excluded from model No change – excluded from model Vept No change – excluded from model No change – excluded from model No change – excluded from model Vinvert No change – excluded from model No change – excluded from model No change – excluded from model Vripcond Autopopulated Autopopulated Autopopulated