Supporting Technical Assessments

5.5 Native Bat Values 38 5.6 Native Bird Values 40 5.7 Indigenous Biodiversity Significance 44 5.8 Summary of Ecological Values 45 6.0 Actual and Potential Ecological Effects 46 6.1 Proposed Works and Associated Effects 46 6.2 Review of Potential Fauna Responses to Non-Lethal Disturbance and Stressors 46 6.3 Willows Road Farm 49 6.4 Coromandel Forest Park: Potential Localised Effects 55 6.5 Coromandel Forest Park: Potential Long-term Effects 66 6.6 Level of Effects on Terrestrial Vegetation, Habitats and Species 72 7.0 Integrated Landscape and Ecological Response 76 8.0 Proposed Ecological Management 78 8.1 Summary of Effects Management Measures 78 8.2 Avoid 78 8.3 Remedy 79 8.4 Mitigate 79 8.5 Biodiversity Offsetting / Compensation 80 8.6 Additional Ecological Benefits 86 8.7 Summary of Effects Management 88 9.0 Summary and Conclusion 89 10.0 References 91 Appendices Appendix 1: Criteria for Determining Significance of Indigenous Biodiversity Appendix 2: Wharekirauponga Survey Effort and Summary of Findings Appendix 3: Vegetation Descriptions for Willows Road Farm and Potential Vent Raise Sites Appendix 4: Vibration Effects on Amphibians