Supporting Technical Assessments

Appendix 4: Description of Stream Habitats Boffa Miskell Ltd | Waihi North Project: Freshwater Ecological Assessment | Figure 4.2c. Unnamed tributary reach with grazed margins on both sides of the stream. Figure 4-2d. The two small branches at the headwaters of the unnamed tributary 2. Ruahorehore Stream Five SEV surveys were undertaken, three were within the TSF3 footprint (sites RUA_Lower,1 RUA_upper2 and RUA_forest3), and two outside of the footprint; RUA_revegetated4 and RUA_Trig_Road5 (Figs. 4-3 to 4-5). Sites RUA_upper and RUA_forest are located on tributaries of the Ruahorehore Stream and RUA_Lower on the Ruahorehore Stream. Both site RUA_lower and RUA_upper are located within grazed pastoral flats, with the stream fenced off from stock, and represent the majority of watercourses within the footprint. Site RUA_forest is located upstream of both sites, within a parcel of fernland-forest. RUA_upper and RUA_forest drain into the Ruahorehore Stream immediately downstream of site RUA_lower, with all sites ultimately draining into the Ohinemuri River. Site RUA_revegetation is located downstream of the footprint, on the Ruahorehore Stream while RUA_Trig_Road is located on a tributary upstream of the footprint. Both sites are fenced off from stock access within pasture. No SEV surveys were undertaken on the vegetated drains. Site RUA_lower_Revegetated is the most downstream survey site located on the Ruahorehore Stream and is located outside the footprint of works. The true right bank (TRB) of this section of stream has been revegetated by OGNZL and is fenced off from stock. The true left bank (TLB) has no riparian vegetation and is fenced off from stock. The streambanks are over 2 m in height on both banks, with large areas of bank slumping and erosion evident on the TLB. The stream channel has a variable width (1.15 – 3.3 m) and shallow depth (x̅ 0.0.2m). The streambed is predominantly comprised of silt/sand with some areas of bedrock and gravels present. Macrophytes were common along the reach, with water pepper (Persicaria hydropiper) abundant along stream margins and where deep soft sediment present within the channel. Channel shading was low, with the riparian margins providing almost no overhanging cover.