Supporting Technical Assessments

U:\2021\BM210482_IBo_Waihi_North_Project\Documents\WNP_Freshwater_Report_May_2022\FINAL_Freshwater_Report_FOR DELIVERY_June 2022\FINAL DELIVERED 17 JUNE 2022\WAI-985-000-REP-LC-0007_Rev0_Freshwater_20220621_FINAL.docx Clapcott, J., Young, R. G., Harding, J. S., Matthaei, C., Quinn, J., & Death, R. (2011). Sediment assessment methods: Protocols and guidelines for assessing the effects of deposited fine sediment on in-stream values. Prepared by Cawthron Institute. Cox, T.J. and Rutherford, C. 2000. Predicting the effects of time-varying temperatures on stream invertebrate mortality. New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research. 34 (2), 209-215. Daniel, A. 2017. Evidence of Dr Adam Daniel on behalf of Auckland Waikato Fish and Game Council. Resource consent application by Waihi Gold AUTH139551.05.01 DOC, 2018a. Conservation status of New Zealand freshwater fishes, 2017. New Zealand Threat Classification Series No. 24. Department of Conservation, Wellington. DOC, 2018b. Conservation status of New Zealand freshwater invertebrates, 2017. New Zealand Threat Classification Series 28. Department of Conservation, Wellington. EIANZ 2018. Ecological impact assessment (EcIA). EIANZ guidelines for use in New Zealand: Terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems (2nd ed.). Environment Institute of Australia and New Zealand. GHD 2022A. Water Management Studies. Report WAI-985-000-REP-LC-0011_RevD.1 prepared for Oceana Gold Ltd., 25 February 2022. GHD 2022B. Mataura Wetland Assessment. Technical Memorandum prepared by GHD Ltd., dated 28 March 2022. GHD 2022C. Gladstone Wetland Groundwater Assessment Summary. Technical Memorandum prepared by GHD Ltd., dated 21 January 2022. Golder 2015a. Waihi Gold Mine. Annual Compliance Monitoring Report 2014/15. Prepared by Golder Associates Limited for Oceana Gold (NZ) Limited. Golder 2015b. Statistical analysis of sediment and Biota in the Ohinemuri River. Prepared by Golder Associates Limited for Oceana Gold (NZ) Limited. Golder 2016. Waihi Gold Mine. Annual Compliance Monitoring Report 2015/16. Prepared by Golder Associates Limited for Oceana Gold (NZ) Limited. Golder 2017. Waihi Gold Mine. Annual Compliance Monitoring Report 2016/17. Prepared by Golder Associates Limited for Oceana Gold (NZ) Limited. Golder 2018. Waihi Gold Mine. Annual Compliance Monitoring Report 2017/18. Prepared by Golder Associates Limited for Oceana Gold (NZ) Limited. GWS, 2021. Gladstone Hill Wetland – Interpretation of Hydrogeologic Conditions and Potential Effects from the Proposed Gladstone Open Pit. Technical memo prepared by GWS Limited dated 21 July 2021. Joy, M. K., David, B., & Lake, M. D. (2013). New Zealand freshwater fish sampling protocols. Part 1: Wadeable rivers and streams [New Zealand Freshwater Fish Sampling Protocols]. Massey University.