Supporting Technical Assessments

156 25.0 References AC 2011. Stream Ecological Valuation (SEV): A method for assessing the ecological functions of Auckland streams. Auckland Council Technical Report No. 2011/009. AC 2012. Water temperature criteria for native aquatic biota. Auckland Council Technical Report 2012/036. AC 2016. Stream Ecological Valuation: application to intermittent streams. Auckland Council Technical Report. No. TR2016/023. ARC 2012. Water temperature criteria for native aquatic biota. Technical Report 2012/0.36. October 2012. ANZECC 2000. Australian and New Zealand Environment and Conservation council. Australian and New Zealand Guidelines for Fresh and Marine Water quality. The Guidelines. October 2000. ANZG 2018. Australian and New Zealand guidelines for fresh and marine water quality. BECA 2022a. Willows Farm Stormwater Management Plan. Wharekirauponga Underground Mine. Report prepared for Oceana Gold (New Zealand) Ltd. by Beca Limited, dated 6 April 2022. BECA 2022b. Waihi North – WTP Outfall Upgrade – Draft Construction Methodology and ESCP. Memorandum prepared by BECA dated 25 March 2022. Biggs 2000. New Zealand periphyton guideline: Detecting, monitoring and managing enrichment of streams. Prepared by NIWA for the Ministry for the Environment. Biggs, B. J. F., Kilroy, C., Mulcock, C. M., & Scarsbrook, M. R. (2002). New Zealand stream health monitoring and assessment kit. Stream monitoring manual (NIWA Technical Report No. 111). National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research Ltd. Bioresearches 1982. Technical Report No. 15 titled " Martha Mine Extended Project - Water Quality and Aquatic Biology" Bioresearches 2021. Assessment of terrestrial Ecological Values and Effects: Waihi North Project. Report prepared by Bioresearches for Oceana Gold Ltd., September 2021. Boffa Miskell 2018. Project Martha. Assessment of Aquatic Ecological Effects. Report prepared by Boffa Miskell Ltd. for OGNZL. Boffa Miskell 2022. Terrestrial Ecology Values and Effects of WUG. Report prepared by Boffa Miskell Ltd. for OGNZL. Cawthron 2019. Technical Report on the Prototype New Zealand River Ecosystem Health Score. Technical Report No. 3332 prepared by Cawthron Institure for MFE dated May 2019. Clapcott, J. 2015. National rapid habitat assessment protocol development for streams and rivers (Cawthron Report No. 2649). Prepared by Cawthron Institute for Northland Regional Council.