Supporting Technical Assessments

U:\2021\BM210482_IBo_Waihi_North_Project\Documents\WNP_Freshwater_Report_May_2022\FINAL_Freshwater_Report_FOR DELIVERY_June 2022\FINAL DELIVERED 17 JUNE 2022\WAI-985-000-REP-LC-0007_Rev0_Freshwater_20220621_FINAL.docx 23.4 Additional riparian planting: Mataura Stream catchment The full extent of Tributary 3 (tributary of the Mataura Stream) will be subject to riparian planting, fencing and pest management. This is beyond the extent of riparian planting provided as required offset for the reclamation of Tributary 2. 23.5 Reinstatement of Tributary 2 The loss of tributary 2 is temporary, but the effects management and stream offset calculations set out above has assumed a permanent loss of the watercourse. However, we note that the rock stack is expected to have a 10-year lifespan and following that there will be a period of rehabilitation of tributary 2. The rehabilitation of the tributary will result in an improved and enhanced catchment compared to that at present, i.e., the tributary will also meet its potential ecological value as assessed through an appropriate ecological offset model. This rehabilitation occurs beyond the offset provided for an assumed permanent loss of the tributary. Combined, the proposed offset and the proposed rehabilitation of tributary 2 will result in a net gain in freshwater ecological benefit for the Willows Road Farm component of the project. This amounts to an additional approximate 390 m of stream enhancement at project closure. This area will be fenced for stock exclusion and subject to pest and weed management. 23.6 Enhancement of the Mataura wetland As part of the remediation for potential risks of the WNP, the Mataura Wetland containing the swamp maire will be retained and a minimum 10 m planted buffer (with fencing) is proposed around this wetland, with the permanent exclusion of stock. The proposed construction works will avoid the full extent of the wetland feature. In addition, the Mataura wetland will be enhanced through additional planting, managed natural regrowth from existing seed banks, and weed and pest management. This area will be fenced for stock exclusion and subject to pest and weed management. We emphasise that this activity is not a required offset (as there are no residual impacts on wetlands as a result of the project). 23.7 Creation of wetland as part of TSF3 diversion Preliminary designs of the TSF3/Ruahorehore Stream diversion suggest that a small wetland or backwater refuge area feature could be created as part of the diversion. The potential wetland/refuge would occur about half way up the diversion (Figure 34). The objective of the wetland would be to provide increased habitat availability for eels (and other climbing fish) that migrate up and down the stream diversion, a rest area for migrating fish, and enhances the functionality of the watercourse. 23.8 Landscape planting A landscape planting plan has been prepared for the project that is inclusive of the mitigation and offset area detailed above but extends planting across the broader landscape. The ecology