Supporting Technical Assessments

152 23.0 Additional positive enhancements 23.1 Background In addition to the mitigation and offset requirements set out above, the WNP project will add considerable additional environmental benefits. These additional actions are designed to integrate and complement the mitigation and offset requirements. Here we summarise these additional enhancements and comment on the benefits they provide. 23.2 Integrated mitigation The mitigation for the site is conceived as a wholly integrated mitigation ‘package’ that encompasses all aspects of mitigation and offset proposed for landscape and ecological enhancements. Importantly, it is conceived in a manner so that the ‘whole’ is vastly improved from just the ‘sum of its respective components’. The integrated mitigation includes the following assumptions. The integrated mitigation is conceived to provide: • Ecological and landscape connectivity across and within the Waihi North Project. • Extensive restoration planting and open areas across the Waihi North Project. • Extensive riparian planting along the waterways, to complement the riparian enhancements already carried out by OGNZL (and its predecessors). • Providing recreational opportunities where safe to do so. • Enhanced habitat for elements of native fauna such as eels, kōura, Cran’s bullies and for wetland birds. • Greater ecological connectivity across the landscape for both resident and transient fauna. Our integrated mitigation approach means that ecology is integrated with landscape to provide a more continuous corridor of vegetation which will benefit biodiversity throughout the project area whilst also providing benefit from a landscape and visual perspective. 23.3 Pest and weed management A pest and weed management plan will need to be developed and implemented for the proposed planting.