Supporting Technical Assessments

146 • Specific attention is to be given to the enhancement of instream habitats for kōura (Paranephrops planifrons) through the addition of habitat such as wood, boulders and the creation of deeper pools and areas of slower flow. • The proposed integrated mitigation across all of the WNP will have ecological benefits which are unable to be measured through the use of the ECR. This includes the restoration of continuous and contiguous lengths of the Ruahorehore Stream and tributaries (tributaries 1-3) of the Mataura Stream . • The stream mitigation is part of an overall integrated mitigation package, where the mitigation ‘whole’ is much greater than the ‘sum of its component parts’ and includes elements that are not included in any mitigation or offset transactions (e.g., connectivity across the site). Despite the fact that there will be no actual permanent loss of watercourses resulting from WNP, we have provided an offset as if there were permanent residual effects and stream loss. It is worth emphasising that the use of this 1.0 multiplier within the ECR calculation should not be confused with the final outcome of the ECR of ‘gain: loss’ of stream function applied to the offset. 22.6 Quantum of stream offset The ECR calculated quantum is summarised in Table 48 and detailed further in Appendix 9. We emphasise that, not only are the streams replaced or later rehabilitated, but the project is providing an offset utilising the ECR method (with the modification outlined above) that delivers more than a straightforward loss:gain ‘no net loss’ (as there is no loss). We acknowledge the timelag in the delivery of the final rehabilitated watercourses (noting that even this benefits from earlier implementation of the offset activities). We note that the wider mitigation package will include additional riparian planting and will also have additional ecological benefits which are unable to be measured through such accounting methods. Thus, we consider that a ‘no net loss’ is achieved, and gains are achieved through the considerable connectivity amongst the stream network. We emphasise that none of the proposed offset locations are required to be managed or restored as part of any existing permits, consents or other legal commitments.