Supporting Technical Assessments

142 Table 47: Anticipated impacts (loss) of freshwater habitats resulting from WNP at Willows Farm and Waihi. Freshwater Habitat Activity Length Comments Wharekirauponga Underground Mine / Willows Farm Stream Loss 390 m stream length This includes all permanent and intermittent watercourse of tributary 2 to be reclaimed for the rock stack. Tributary 2 will be reinstated at an enhanced condition following completion of WUG mine activities and removal of the WRS. Warm spring loss 7 m Includes a warm spring pool of some 4 m2. Waihi Stream Loss or diversion 3,554 m stream length This includes all watercourses across all works footprints. This is a total length of loss and includes those sections of stream that are to be diverted. TOTAL 3,951 m 3,944 excluding warm spring 22.2.2 Fish salvage It is necessary to reduce the potential mortality of native fish species during construction through their removal from any areas of stream works. The objective of fish salvage is to avoid mortality and to maintain the population of native fish of streams by capturing and relocating them to suitable habitat up or downstream within the same catchment. We recommend the following: • A Native Fish and Kōura Relocation Plan (NFKRP) should be prepared and signed off prior to any streamworks. The NFKRP should include (but not be limited to): o The methodology for baseline surveys for fish and kōura in the watercourses. o The methodology for the placement of fish exclusion barriers at the upstream and downstream extent of the streamworks site so migration back into the streamworks site is not possible. o Credentials and contact details of the ecologist who will implement the plan. o Fish trapping and electrofishing methodology. o Kōura trapping methodology. o Fish and kōura transportation methodology. o Location and description of the relocation site. o Monitoring of the species and size of fish and kōura relocated.