WAI-985-000-LC-0007 CONTENTS Executive Summary i 1.0 Introduction 1 1.1 Background 1 1.2 Approach 1 1.3 Report Structure 2 2.0 WNP Project Location and Description 2 2.1 Project Location 2 2.2 WNP Project Description 3 2.3 Wharekirauponga Project Activities 5 2.4 Ecological Context 10 3.0 Definitions, Assessment Criteria and Statutory Obligations 11 3.1 Introduction 11 3.2 Waikato Regional Council RPS 11 3.3 Hauraki District Plan 11 3.4 Wildlife Act and RMA Obligations with Respect to Fauna Protections 12 4.0 Description of Methods 12 4.1 Survey Constraints 12 4.2 Existing Wharekirauponga Ecological Data 13 4.3 Assessment and Survey of Vegetation 15 4.4 Assessment of Terrestrial Invertebrates 16 4.5 Assessment and Survey of Native Frogs 17 4.6 Assessment and Survey of Native Lizards 17 4.7 Assessment and Survey of Native Bats 18 4.8 Assessment and Survey of Avifauna 19 4.9 Assessment of Ecological Values 20 4.10 Evaluating the Level of Effect 20 5.0 Ecological Descriptions and Values 23 5.1 Vegetation Communities 23 5.2 Terrestrial Invertebrate Values 29 5.3 Ecological Values of Native Frogs 30 5.4 Ecological Values: Native Lizards 35