Supporting Technical Assessments

108 Figure 27: Location of culvert installations at NRS. 18.2.6 Effects Management for Sediment. The movement of additional sediment from the construction of the NRS and haul road has the potential to give rise to adverse effects on downstream habitats. We have outlined the effects of sediment in streams above. All new sections of the diversion channel will be installed off-line and fully stabilised before flows are directed into them. Once the flows are diverted, the existing stream channels will be off-line and can be worked as part of the overall earthworks footprint, with sediment-laden runoff being treated via the main sediment controls (OGNZL 2021). All work is to be undertaken in accordance with the Erosion and Sediment Control Plan and accompanying SSESCP (OGNZL 2021) to minimise the impacts of sediment entering the waterway. The use of flocculants does have the potential to introduce chemicals to waterways, so consideration must be given to the discharge of water where flocculation is used. The chemical treatment of sediments is outlined in OGNZL (2021) and Chemical Treatment Management Plan (OGNZL 2022).