Supporting Technical Assessments

U:\2021\BM210482_IBo_Waihi_North_Project\Documents\WNP_Freshwater_Report_May_2022\FINAL_Freshwater_Report_FOR DELIVERY_June 2022\FINAL DELIVERED 17 JUNE 2022\WAI-985-000-REP-LC-0007_Rev0_Freshwater_20220621_FINAL.docx 17.6 Summary of Effects Assessment on Ecological Values A summary of effects of the proposed TSF3 is provided in Table 30. The overall level of ecological effect of the proposed works of the proposed activities at TSF3 on the freshwater ecological values after the application of effects management including offset is Low. Table 30:Overview of the level of effects resulting from the proposed TSF3 (including effects management). Feature Ecologica l value Effect Magnitude of effect Effect manageme nt Level of effect with manageme nt Anticipated residual effects Ruahorehore Stream Moderate - High Diversion of 2,111 m of stream length Low Fish and kōura salvage and relocation. Stream diversion that is ecologically functional. Low Low Minimal / None No net loss Reduced aquatic connectivity Low Offset through diversion Low No net loss Sediment intrusion Low Settlement managemen t and treatment prior to discharge Low Minimal / None Farm detention pond Low Loss of pond habitat Negligible Fish salvage Negligible Minimal / None