Supporting Technical Assessments

U:\2021\BM210482_IBo_Waihi_North_Project\Documents\WNP_Freshwater_Report_May_2022\FINAL_Freshwater_Report_FOR DELIVERY_June 2022\FINAL DELIVERED 17 JUNE 2022\WAI-985-000-REP-LC-0007_Rev0_Freshwater_20220621_FINAL.docx 14.6 Summary of Effects Management We have assessed each of the effects under the effects management hierarchy as set out in Section 6. Overall, the effects of the WUG at Willows Road Farm can be avoided, minimised, remedied, and any significant residual effects can be offset (Table 28). By implementing the recommended management measures for each of the potential impacts, the level of effect can be reduced to Very Low to Low and the anticipated residual effects are offset. Table 28: Application of the effects management and the anticipated at Willows Farm Road. Location Potential Effect Impact management category Effects management Level of effect with management Anticipated residual effects Willows Road Farm Reclamation of 390 m of stream habitat loss (unnamed tributary 2) Offset plus rehabilitation of habitat loss after removal of rock stack Enhance nearby stream habitat (offset extent 1,150 m) plus rehabilitation of tributary 2 after 10 years. Very Low Net gain Willows Road Farm Instream works causing loss of native fishes Remedy plus rehabilitation of habitat loss Conduct fish salvage and relocation. Very Low Minimal / None Willows Road Farm Earthworks and sediment discharges to Mataura Stream Minimise Implement best practice erosion and sediment controls. Low Minimal / None 14.7 Summary of Recommendations The potential effects of the proposed activities will be on tributary 2, and to a lesser extent, on Mataura Stream. The potential effects include the loss and modification of instream habitat, potential death and/or injury to native fish within tributary 2 and potential for sediment and other contaminants to enter the Mataura Stream. These actual and potential adverse effects will be minimised, remedied, and offset as follows: • The potential for fish mortality will be remedied by the salvage and relocation of native fish from tributary 2. • The potential for sediment to enter the Mataura Stream will be remedied through sediment controls and associated sediment monitoring within the Mataura Stream. The residual effects of habitat loss of tributary 2 will be offset through enhancing some 1,150 m of existing stream habitat in an adjacent catchment (tributary 3). Provided all design features, requirements and recommendations are successfully implemented, adverse ecological effects from the proposed development will be minimised, remedied and offset to result in low or very low levels of effect with a net gain offset as a result of the rehabilitation of tributary 2 when the WRS is reclaimed.