26 Boffa Miskell Ltd | Waihi North Project | Terrestrial Ecology Values and Effects of the WUG | 22 June 2022 Coromandel Forest Park Vegetation surveys (RECCE plots) were carried out at 9 potential vent sites within the paper road where the proposed vent raises may be located (Figure 8, Appendix 3). Vegetation was typical of the wider Wharekirauponga site, including broadleaf and mid-successional forest species. Vegetation composition at each of the individual sites reflected the aspect, topography and drainage of that location, but many of the same plant species were found throughout most of the sites. In particular, supplejack, nikau, tree ferns and ponga were common. Where present, understory species included hangehange, pigeonwood, māhoe and rewarewa. Some large individual trees were recorded including in several of the sites including tawa, miro and pukatea. Kiekie and tank lily were common epiphytes throughout.